We're 2 Months Away

Plus a powerful lesson for life

Welcome to The Process, where I share lessons, stories and insights on the process of improvement.

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Now, onto Issue 66.

Brought to you by: Alto Studios

In 2023, we launched a company called Alto Studios to help executives and companies with content marketing. The impact for our clients has been fantastic.

  • One closed a deal with a $10 billion private equity firm

  • Another secured a partnership with Microsoft

  • Another raised $20 million for their startup

If you’re an executive or company that needs help with content (eg. social media, articles, newsletters, case studies, etc), we’d love to support.

Success Doesn’t Require Superheroes

Hey everyone,

I hope y’all have had a wonderful summer. It’s been a busy one on my end.

We spent all of July driving across America with our kids. 

We drove 7,000+ miles, visited 17 different states and listened to the same four songs in the car 500 times. Good family fun all around.

While doing all of that, I’ve been building Alto Studios and training for my first 100-mile race (see Issue 64 for more).

We’re now two months out from the 100-miler (October 5).

I want to share one of the biggest lessons I’ve learned in training so far:

Success doesn’t require superheroes.

In ultra running, the people who do best aren’t the fastest. They’re the ones who slow down the least.

They move with a sustainable urgency. They control their mind when things get hard. When they no longer want to run, they accept that the race is just beginning.

When the “superheroes” start to fall apart, they continue to execute. They don’t get bored with the basics. They keep it simple. They keep moving.

Nothing they do looks that special. Then at the end, others wonder how they ran so “fast.” And they’ll be the first to say they did nothing extraordinary. They’re common people — with uncommon focus and consistency.

Life and business are like this, too.

So often we believe it takes a superhero effort to be great.

But as my Dad used to always say, “It’s the little things every day that make you great.”

Do the basics with extraordinary consistency, and you will already be in elite territory (as an athlete, parent, entrepreneur, anything).

Hope this lesson resonates. I’ve learned a lot more in the process of training for this 100-miler over the last four months, and I’m excited to share more as we get closer.

Have a great week, y’all.


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