It's (Almost) Go Time

The countdown to my first 100-miler

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Now, onto Issue 68.

Detailed Preparation, Simple Execution

As I’ve written about in Issue 64, Issue 66 and Issue 67, I’m running my first 100-mile race on October 5 (this Saturday!).

As I wrap up my final prep for the race, I want to share a quick lesson I've learned training for this 100-mile race that may help you in various areas of life:

There's a fine line between preparation and paranoia.

Being prepared is:

• Focusing on what you can control

• Thinking through various scenarios

• Building contingency plans if needed

Being paranoid is:

• Obsessing over what you don't control

• Anticipating the worst will happen

• Endlessly worrying

Detailed preparation is important.

But once you're prepared, it's equally important to let go of the outcome and anything other than calmly executing your process.

In the context of this race on Saturday, I'm as prepared as I can possibly be. I have a plan, and I have contingencies when the race doesn't go according to my plan (and it won't).

There's no benefit in worrying about what might happen anymore.

When it's time to perform, you calm your mind, trust your preparation and let it fly.

Come Saturday at 8am ET, I'll have only one thought:

Eat, drink, move 4 miles. Repeat 25x.

Detailed plan, simple execution.

Prepared, not paranoid.

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  • More personal (writing about things I’m doing / experiencing so you can come along with me)

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